tolerance, ethnotolerance, persuasion and self-persuasion, environment, traditional heritageAbstract
The concept of "tolerance" is very broad. In most cases, it is understood as tolerance for various religious, ethnic, national and any other views, respect for the dignity of all people, without exception, regardless of existing differences. Meanwhile, tolerance is not only patience and forbearance. The problem of educating children and adolescents in the spirit of tolerance, understanding the characteristics of the "other" is still relevant.
The need to teach tolerance at school is clear. After all, school is the first institution in which there is an active independent socialization of a child. There is an awareness of differences between peers in the school team. Conflict situations imposed on traditional for any collective, such as the emergence of authorities, the struggle for leadership, cruelty towards the weak, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic differences become the basis for the development of ethnic stereotypes and aggressive behavior towards people of another culture in early childhood. The main thing here is the professionalism of the teachers, the development of teaching methods, good preparation of didactic materials, and a systematic approach.