About the Journal

The journal purpose: to inform a wide range of experts about new ideas, scientific and technical problems, new scientific developments and research results.
The journal covers results of scientific researches of scientists, teaching staff, master and PhD degree students, industrial workers, which have a high-priority nature or theoretical and practical value.
Analytical, survey and problem scientific articles, debatable materials connected with actual questions in
the field of fundamental and applied investigations of following directions are published in it:
• humanities
• social sciences
• pedagogical sciences;
• economic sciences;
• juridical sciences.
The present publication rules are based on Interstate standards: IS 7.1-2003 Bibliographing.
Bibliographic description, IS 7.79-2000 Transliteration rules of Cyrillic script by Latin alphabet and IS 7.32-2001 Research report. Structure and drawing up rules.
A resolution about the possibility of publication of an article in the journal is adopted on the basis of the decision of the committee, which composition is confirmed by M. Auezov SKU Academic Council.
• Languages - Kazakh, Russian, English.
• Periodicity - 4 numbers per a year.